[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on the Maghreb and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Maghreb Page Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may send your own recommendations for inclusion in each week`s roundup to maghreb@jadaliyya.com by Sunday night of every week.]
"Algeria’s Legislative Election 2012: Indifference, Fraud and Continuity" In-depth analysis of Algeria`s election results and the prospects of losing parties reactions.
"Islamists threaten ‘Tunisia option’ to bring change to Algeria" Allegations of election fraud prompt smaller parties to `threaten` revolution to procure political change and representation.
"Algeria: What Arab Spring?" Analysis of Algeria`s attempt to associate parliamentary elections with the same ethos of the "Arab Spring"
"Algeria`s 2012 Elections: the Numbers Game" Quotas, low voter participation, ballot engineering, and out-dated electoral rolls explain the surprisingly small share of seats won by `Islamist` parties.
"A Poem…for Libya" A piece written during the revolution`s inception resurfaces with the hope of inspiring participation in upcoming elections.
"LIBYA: Uneasy calm in Sebha after clashes" Overlapping city, tribal, and national identities fuel unrest and conflict.
"OPINION | NTC’s New Censorship Laws Will Create Chilling Effect" Dissection of Law 37, which criminalizes the public glorification of Gaddafi and restricts criticism of the state.
"التهميش نتيجة طبيعية للمركزية!" (Opinion) How federalism can prevent the marginalization of populations in eastern and southern Libya.
"Opinion: The Councils of the Elders: A Stereotyped Scenario - By Hussain Abdulrazzaq Kreiba" Call for a transition to civil society organizations distinct from familial groupings.
"Libya on the Line" Recordings of Gaddafi and his closest aides give new insight into the regime`s behavior during the initial stages of the revolution.
"Un Gouvernement paralysé, une Opposition qui s’égare, un Peuple qui perd patience…" Assessment of the disparities between the revolution`s objectives and Tunisia`s contemporary reality, primarily due to static political behavior.
"Un Mouvement citoyen pour appeler l’opposition démocratique à l’union ou à l’alliance en vue des prochaines élections" Tunisians launch a campaign to encourage opposition parties to join coalitions and facilitate a stable democratic process.
"Tunisia: Reform Legal Framework to Try Crimes of the Past" HRW proposes reforms to the judicial system prior to the first Ben Ali - era torture trial.
"النهضة شر لابد منه" Fragility and fragmentation in Tunisia`s newly elected government risk underrepresentation of major social and economic groups
"Rolled Up in Azawad" Interview with a Mauritanian spy who infiltrated AQIM in Northern Mali.
"ناشطون موريتانيون يناقشون مشاركة الشباب في الجريمة" Mauritanian youth explore the socio-economic reasons behind generational violence.
"La Mauritanie fait avorter un projet d’enlèvement par al-Qaida" Mauritania scrutinizes border refugee camps for AQIM activity.
"حلقات نقاش ممفاكينش : موضوع علاقة الدين بالدولة والسياسة – الجزء الأول" First installment of a panel discussion on the various points of intersection between religion and politics in Morocco, historically and contemporarily.
"Western Sahara: Concerns About Christopher Ross" Moroccan government and the UN`s envoy for Western Sahara lose confidence in one another`s ability and commitment to resolving conflict.
"العدالـة أمانة، عصية على الابتلاع" Prospects for judicial reforms and popular independence.
"سلفيون يهاجمون فتاة في الرباط بسبب ملابسها" Moroccan women launch internet campaigns in response to an `uncovered` woman`s physical assault in Rabat, allegedly committed by two Salafists.
"Morocco : Imprisoning a Rapper for Criticizing the Police" Arab Network for Human Rights urges Morocco to reverse the one year sentence imposed on rapper Mouad Balghawat in March.
Recent Jadaliyya articles on the Maghreb
Artistic Depictions of Arab Women: An Interview with Artist Lalla Essaydi
Algeria`s 10 May 2012 Elections: Preliminary Analysis